  - - - - - -   trancefugium   - - - - - -

Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2006

Aphex Twin -- drukqs

Aphex Twin -- drukqs

MP3 (Download scheitert), Video, Bilder

[edit 08/12/09 13:46] Download weiterhin nicht möglich. [/edit]

Kategorie: Artists A


electroshot.com: the reign of electronica!

Follow my trip into electronic music and feel with me all the emotions that it can give us. You'll never be unsatisfied by this kind of feeling: it's something that always changes its shape and it's never the same. If you want to evolve yourself you have to get involved in this endless, warm and deep music spiral.

Here you can find some stuff about my favorite artists and the best links to their homepages.

ambitionierte persönliche Site (vom Anspruch her diesem Blog wohl nicht ganz unähnlich)

Kategorie: Sites


SomaFM: Listener-Supported, Commercial-Free Internet Radio

neun unterschiedliche Programme, in verschiedener Qualität abrufbar: Space Station Soma, Groove Salad, Secret Agent, Illinois Street Lounge, indie pop rocks, Beat Blender [ich liebe das Logo], cliqhop idm, Drone Zone, Tag's Trance Trip

Dort werde ich mich wohl eine Weile aufhalten.

Kategorie: Radio und Streaming



... the Psykaholiks Website. Here you can find everything you want to know about the Resident DJ Team from the famous Internet Radio Station chromanova, based in Berlin, Germany ......


Termine, Bilder, großzügige Downloads (70+-Minuten- Mixes), Links

[edit 25/01/08 20:09] Da geht die Wutz ab. So stelle ich mir Trance vor. Dafür würde ich sogar nach Berlin fahren. [/edit]

Kategorie: Artists P

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