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▶ Talpa

Behind the project Talpa is Goran Juric from Serbia. This project was found back in late 90's, his first releases came out 2002.
Its highly psychedelic musicly mature psychedelic trance.
Talpa has been a part of many parties and festivals where he performed in many countries around the world such as Belgium, Swiss, Finland, Denmark, Sweeden, Israel, Australia, Russia, Hungary, Slovakia etc

The Path, released 21 December 2011

1. Talpa - J
2. Talpa - The Path
3. Talpa - You
4. Talpa - Distraction
5. Talpa - Lenjivav (feat Merlin)
6. Talpa - Instinct
7. Talpa - Hidden Smile
8. Talpa - Shall We Dance
9. Talpa - An Accident in Talpania
10. Talpa - Away

Released on SunDance Records
cat #: SUNDCD043

Talpa embarks upon a journey of aural perfection through psychedelia with his third album, The Path. The Path, released by Sundance records, is Serbian trance magician Talpa's most accomplished work yet, and showcases his skills as one of psytrancefs premier producers. The album is powerful, smooth and tight, with Talpafs token motions through melodic phrases that encapture the art and wonder of true psychedelic trance, second only to classical music in composition in evoking emotional response. It moves through carefully detailed soundscapes of whimsy, poignancy and sheer bliss that is pure joy to listen to from beginning to end. Talpa continues to ascend in compositional ability of his craft, creating albums that are solid and full, while all tracks are retained as separately unique spells of their own. The result is a sound that can only be classified as TALPA.
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